The Shadow Work Deck


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The Shadow Work Deck is the tool I wish I had when my life was at a crossroads, when sitting with grief, the end of a long term relationship, I felt lost and needed a sign.

Starlight Edition Shadow Work Deck
An expanded version of my original Shadow Work Deck, the Starlight Edition features 5 *NEW* cards among a selection of 65 images from over a decade of my fine art film photography. The phrases and mantras on each card are focused on inspiring emotional shifts to guide you on your shadow journey towards personal growth and self acceptance, adding a few updates to some of the original card art, and a new size that is easier to hold and shuffle. Less packaging, more art, and a new colorful front design make the Starlight Edition a must-have for collectors and beginners alike!

Starlight Edition arrives in a drawstring bag with info pamphlet. (We will choose the bag color intuitively for you)

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